Flowing Through

Alan sauntered down the center of the hallway, the smoke of his cigarette coiling around him. Everyone had each chosen an individual direction leaving him free to do as he pleased. He waived cheerily at each security camera as he passed occasionally blowing kisses, occasionally an obscene gesture. His mood was unnaturally high, his tightly wound nerves finding release in the adrenaline rush and sharp promise of danger. The others, Leon and the kami's, had needed coverage to get to where they were going. Ning went in search of Webber's lab, Nana was heading to security, Q-Chan was circling backwards from Leon both searching for the dragon and the boy. He himself was headed aimlessly and randomly offering himself as a distraction for the others. Alan had so far set off sixteen fire alarms, a half a dozen or so sprinklers, and was haphazardly smashing anything in his path, and having a marvelous time.

The first wave of men to greet him went down almost too quickly for his taste; six men and five minutes if that, his heart beat steady and slow through the sweep of motions that left them twitching on the floor. The second and third wave went about the same and frankly he was becoming bored. He alleviated some of the tedium by extending his arms and razing the walls on either side with the tip of his blades enjoying the shrill squeal of the edges chiseling the wall. He gave it up so he could light another cigarette.

Alan's meandering path had led him to a part of the complex he was unfamiliar with and therefore of great interest to him. The walls ceased to be plaster, becoming plates of metal riveted together and uninterrupted by doors. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end the further he ventured down the corridors. There was no security here, no cameras watched him pass by, no alarms discreetly placed, and nothing ventured to stop his progress. The air was several degrees cooler and damp making his skin clammy. Alan shivered in his coat and tucked himself into it snuggling against the warm fabric. His gate slowed and he couldn't help but keep looking over his shoulder. The fluorescent lights overhead burned to bright and made his eyes feel dry and hot. Everything about the place was off key and it was giving him the creeps, something he was much unaccustomed to.

Gradually the floor tilted downward, the way becoming slick with condensation and blackish green mold. The seams of the walls became corroded in places and the tips of plants could be seen pushing through the edges. Alan could see his breath suspended in the dank air and shivered again, not entirely because of the cold. He was wholly unnerved and stopped in his tracks unable to explain the oppressive desperate feeling seizing his body. He stood stock still with his eyes wide open staring at nothing, hearing nothing but the uneven patter of his own heart. He couldn't go forward and couldn't back up locked in a sense of panic so strong it drowned out everything else.

"Go back....you must.....back.....go...not safe...he...watching.." At first Alan wasn't sure he had even heard the light tendrils of sound, wasn't precisely sure it wasn't his own mind whistling. He strained his hearing to try and pick up the rest of it before he realized that the voice came from within not without. Alan closed his eyes trying to concentrate and was pummeled by a shock burst of spastic visions. The image of young male flashed brokenly across the dark theater of his eyelids giving glimpses of ivory skin and glossy white hair but it was the deep blood bruise across one cheek and the distress in light blue eyes that Alan paid attention to. His own grey eyes snapped open and Alan turned on heel and ran. His feet slipped on the slick surface pummeling him into walls and sending him sprawling onto his hands. He scrambled back onto his feet and kept going. In his side vision the vines he fled past seemed to be reaching towards him and he wasn't going to stop to find out if it was a desperate trick of his mind or not.

The air burnt his mouth and throat making breathing difficult and he knew he was losing ground. The floor seemed steeper going up then going down and bone tiredness set in. His legs spun out beneath him again and this time he let the momentum carry him over on his back to tired to fight it, the breath knocked out him forcibly by the shotgun between his shoulder blades. Stunned he laid panting on the floor trying to take a full breath. A sudden jerk sent him back down the metallic slide, much to his horror Alan found both his legs were wrapped with vines and more of the wriggling things were reaching for him. Alan struggled to an upright position and unsheathed his hand blades. He stabbed into one vine and then screeched in agony as the virulent juice sprayed across his jeans and ate through scorching his skin. He didn't have a chance for a second go as more vines twisted around his wrists pulling them wide. The tendrils snaked through the leather bands of his blades, curling the leather to the breaking point. Alan watched his precious blades tumble uselessly to the ground as he was yanked into the air and suspended upside down.

Alan tugged and slammed angrily, the vines swarming over his body ripping his jacket from him and efficiently unarming him of his guns and blades, even his boots and socks were pulled from him and dropped to the floor. His t-shirt was rent to pieces only the neckline left hanging sadly about his neck. Alan ceased his struggles as the cold settled into his mostly naked form gooseflesh raising across the exposed areas. In his upside down vision a figure could be seen approaching; tall, thin and gruesome Webber approached casually his smile a backwards frown. He was dragging a very frightened Daniel behind him a long chain wrapped around his throat and he seemed completely at ease. The vines hoisted Alan higher into the air bringing him level with Webber and Alan found himself shrinking back from the red-eyed glare.

"My, my....look what my lovelies have caught for me..quite a succulent treat indeed." Webber reached out a cool palm and placed it against Alan's face. Alan growled low in his throat and tried to bite him, Webber snickered at the attempt and responded by backing handing him hard. Alan's vision watered and pain exploded through his head, leaving Alan silent and still.

"That's better...Now where was I? Oh yes..I remember now." Webber grabbed Alan by his hair and pressed his lips to Alan's forcing them open and shoving his tongue into cavern, a tongue that swelled and lengthened filling Alan's mouth and stretching into his throat cutting off his ability to breathe. Daniel watched in wide-eyed disgust and sorrow able to see the unnatural swell in the agent's throat with each thrust. Alan's body convulsed and went tight against his bonds before falling limp passing out from the lack of oxygen. Webber withdrew and nuzzled against Alan's neck. He took a moment to remove the last remainders of his shirt before proceeding. Webber pulled on Daniel's bonds to bring him along, Alan was lowered to Webber's shoulder who hoisted his slight weight indifferently.

"Come along my dear it's time to be going before Wu-Long and the Detective Orcot finish their little spat and notice your missing."