Flowing Through

Leon headed straight into the kitchen. First things first to him meant a fresh cup of coffee, something rich and black and comforting. That done he went back past the Count and into the bathroom for a land speed record shower and shave. Feeling almost human again Leon snagged his coffee cup and headed back to D. Leon gave the situation some consideration while he sipped at his coffee. Should he run a bath and try to undress D while he slept or should he wake him up? Leon felt a familiar tightening in his groin and banished the first idea. Carrying a nude sleeping Count to the bathroom would be a bit more then his senses were going to allow him to handle. That just left waking him. Leon hunched down beside D and gave his shoulder a shake.

"Come on D time to wake up." D merely grumbled and pulled tighter in on himself. Leon tried a few more times unsuccessfully to shake him awake. He decided to try again in a few minutes and went into the bathroom to start the water. Leon had never in the entirety of his stay at this apartment taken a bath. He always took showers and had only shrugged in his shoulders when the landlords had shown him the big "selling" point of the apartment. Yeah, whatever. Life has a way of working itself out and right at this moment Leon couldn't have been happier that he had a great big huge garden tub to put the Count in. Leon was even more happy when a little rummaging turned up a bottle of bubble bath some errant ex had left behind. Leon turned his head upon hearing noise coming from the living room. He headed back that way curious to see if his guest had begun to awaken on his own.

D turned his head to towards the sound of footsteps and Leon was awarded with two mismatched eyes settling on him, both of which were clear and focused.

"Well, I see you finally decided to wake up about damn time to. Look, I ran you a bath, you interested?" Leon voice sounded gruff even to his own ears but he couldn't help it. He couldn't break the routine that had held him together all this time. If he did he would wind up clutching the Count to him and squeezing the life out of him in a misguided attempt to ensure himself that he was okay. D merely gave him a steady look though and blinked slowly as if getting his bearings.

"Hello, Detective. It is a pleasure to see you as always. May I assume I have the privilege of sleeping on your living room floor?" Leon felt the blush lift into his face at the mildly sarcastic words.

"Yeah, well we aim to please at the Orcot embassy. Next you'll be expecting room service." D smiled at him then causing Leon to feel some unnamed emotion twist in him. He'd do anything for that damn smile, almost couldn't help himself.

"I am sorry for my shortness Detective. I must thank you for your hospitality. A bath would be most pleasing right now." Leon had kneeled beside the Count. He had a feeling that although the Count was awake and seemed all right that he was actually a lot weaker then he was trying to put on. The fact that D had not tried to raise himself from the floor being a good indication.

"Can I give ya hand up or something?" D frowned at Leon and for just a moment Leon saw hesitation in his eyes. Leon quickly scooped the small body against his own before D would have to make the choice. Leon felt D's hair against the back of his hand. A moment of nausea shot through him. Thick clumps of blood were dried in D's hair.

"D, I think I need to take you into the kitchen first. I'm gonna set you down on a stool. You let me know if you're unable to sit up. I don't want any bullshit from you right now. I've got shampoo in the other room and I'm going to go get it and we're going to clean this crap out of your hair and then you can take a bath." Cuddled against the detective's chest once again D felt his own heart hammer hard. It was dangerous to be so close to something one desired so strongly. Leon's tone brooked no argument. D didn't have it in him to argue anyway. Leon set him on the stool carefully but kept his hands on his shoulders. He released D only to grab him again as he swayed. Leon gritted his teeth and blew out a curse under his breath. He resolved the situation by pulling D and the stool over to the sink and propping D up against the counter.

"All right, I'll be right back. Don't you dare try to move D and I mean it." Leon gave him his best intimidating look, a look that almost always worked on the bad guys but rarely on the Count. D blinked at him again and nodded. Satisfied Leon went off to get the shampoo and towels.

Leon's mind raced. D was not human. Okay. D was not human and so had survived an almost fatal shot to the chest. Okay. Therefore D not being human was a very good thing. Now Leon wanted to know why someone had deliberately caused such a wound and what it would take to kill them for causing D's beautiful hair to become matted and sticky with his own blood. Leon took a steadying breath and pushed the events back once again. He'd be a cop in a minute right now he needed to be a friend.

Leon came back to the sink. He placed one towel around D's shoulders and the other just to side of the sink basin. His kitchen sink was equipped with a sprayer hose and a large hooked faucet the kind you could slide stock pots under. Like the garden tub it was an extra that Leon paid for but usually didn't need, apparently the tenant before him had had the renovations done, she had been a cook and had had the kitchen set up to her liking. Leon was seriously thinking of looking her up and sending her a thank you present.

"All right. I want you to lay your head back in my arm D. I promise I'm not going to drop you. Ready?" D nodded and with Leon's steadying force felt himself reclined back into the basin his neck resting against the detectives forearm. It was strange to be held so gently by someone he usually thought of only as violent and aggressive. He still felt terribly drained. Even for a kami wounds such as he sustained require a lot of energy to heal and he had not replaced the resources it cost to do that. He still didn't know what happened and a moments concern settled on him in regards to his pets. Leon seemed to dealing with things rather better then D would have thought. Surely by now the detective most know he wasn't human. He looked up at the face above his. Leon's concentration was on getting the water on one handed and setting the temperature. Such a beautiful strong man and so full of surprises. D closed his eyes when the first spray of warm water cascaded through his hair. The detective noticed the contented sigh that escaped his lips.

"Yeah, I bet that does feel good. You'll feel better once we get all this gunk off ya." Leon popped open the shampoo flip top with his thumb and dropped a good dollop onto D's hair and started massaging it in. Leon had really long fingers and was able to rub the soap in and gently tug out the tangles as he went. He let his other hand slide up and replace his forearm so he could cradle the back of D's head in his hand. Leon wasn't prone to fetishes but he had dreamt of D's hair on more then one occasion. Even wet if felt like cool silk in his hands. There was a low humming noise coming from D's chest and Leon could swear he was practically purring, hell, maybe he was after all there was much about the Count he apparently didn't know. He washed it through twice and watched the clumps dissolve down the drain. D's blood rinsed out as reddish green color and swirled away.

Leon helped D right himself again and gave him the other towel. D wrapped his hair in it.

"I'd like to take the bath you offered now, detective." Leon nodded and swung the Count back into his arms. He'd gotten use to carrying him at this point and didn't even bother asking if D thought he could walk. His subconscious picked at him that he was also rather enjoying holding the Count in his arms and wished the circumstances were different.

Leon put D down on his feet once inside the bathroom. The Count involuntarily reached out to grab at his shirt to keep from tilting over. Leon backed him over to the tub's edge and eased him back down.

"I am sorry to trouble you Detective but I am afraid that I still require your assistance." Leon arched an eyebrow and thought to himself no kidding there Sherlock. He reached up and helped D peel off the ruined cheongsam off. It stuck in places where blood had made it adhere and Leon had had to pick the count up so it could slide off to the floor. Leon pulled off D's little slippers and put them to the side, they too were ruined. That just left the black pants D had worn under the outfit. Leon kneeled between the Count's knees and looked at him. Years of being a cop told Leon that D was nervous about the next part. He had his poker face on like always but his bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. Leon chewed his lower lip for a bit giving it some thought, he understood that know was not the time for sexual revelations. His eyes settled on the terry cloth bathrobe that he used after taking a shower. It was a bit damp from earlier but should work just fine as a shield. He snagged it with a flick of his wrist freeing it from its hook. Leon laid the robe backwards across D's chest and letting it rest on his shoulders.

"You hold onto that and I'll do the rest." D bunched the robe in his hand from inside it. He felt Leon's hand on his hips and used his free hand to push himself up just a bit so Leon could slide the fabric between his body and tubside. D felt a welter of confusing thoughts and emotions break through him. No one had ever treated D with such dignity or respect. Leon kept his eyes firmly locked on his as he slid the silk down and off his legs. Leon kept the eye contact up as he swung D's legs over the side and into the water. He used his arms like a slide helping D to sink beneath the bubbles with the robe balanced across his arms blocking the view. Both men's face were flushed when they were done both men tussling with the desire's they felt for the other.

"I'm gonna go now. We'll talk when you're done. Don't try to get out by yourself. I've got to check on a few things but I'll hear you if you call. You got that?" If Leon's voice hadn't had a tremor to it D would have been offended at the words. D could hear the real concern for him though and let the detective carry the moment.

Leon backed out replacing the robe as he went and D let himself sink into the fragrant water and let his mind go over the strange turn of events.