Flowing Through

Several things happened at once. D. fainted, the man between D.'s legs fainted and the man to the side of the Count bladder let go in fright, this of course was to be expected. As were the screaming sirens rapidly approaching, however, as Leon quickly discovered these were merely the intro into what, for him was most unexpected. Q Chan became a slender man in a transformation so abrupt that Leon's human eyes missed it and kneeled at D.'s feet. Leon blinked but held firm to the gun's in both hand. Two very intent eyes stared into his and Leon had the sensation wash through him that his reactions to the events unfolding around him were very, very important.

"He's injured Detective and I need your assistance to prevent any further calamities. There is precious little time to waste young man will you help me?"

Leon felt the hairs on the back of his neck and arms raise up and he forced himself to look down at his friend if for no other reason the to remove himself from the weight of the other man's gaze. What he saw caused his hands to tighten convulsively on his weapons. Three things impacted on Leon.

The first was that D had a gaping chamber in the middle of his chest, the analytical part of his brain assessed it as a point blank shot at close range and that D. should by all normal means be dead. The second was that the blood pooling around D. wasn't red, oh it looked like blood to be sure but only because of it's blackness, D.'s blood appeared to have green highlights. The third being that wound was starting to close itself. Leon jerked his head up and looked at the man before him. A man that save for eye color differences and hair style could have been D.'s twin. Leon slid his gaze over to the man beside D. who was know groveling with his face pressed between his hands. Leon brought the handle of the gun down hard on the back of his neck and watched the man go limp.

"We have to get him out of here right now, don't we?" Leon bit out. His chest was hammering hard. He couldn't let the other officers who were now parking outside the door see D. The man bowed his head slightly in assent.

"Yes, Detective. He must be removed from here before any further of your species sees his true nature. I can handle the pet shop and your approaching comrades but you must take him and leave now." The words were heavily accented and carried a note of urgency with them. Leon licked his suddenly dry lips and tried to swallow to get moisture back down in his throat before answering.

"How?" The word came out in a choked rasp.

"If you please to follow me, quickly" The man raised and turned his simple black coat swirling with him. Leon holstered his own weapon and tucked the other into the waist band of his jeans. He pushed the fallen attackers out the way and knelt to pick up D. One arm behind his neck and one arm behind his knees Leon lifted the slight bundle to his chest and hurried after Q Chan. Q Chan led him quickly through the maze at the back of the Pet Shop and out into the alley behind.

"Where will you take my grandson Detective?" Leon turned then and gave the man a searching look before he answered.

"I'll take him to my place. Tell the officers that the Count is with me in protective custody. Can you clean up the blood?" Q Chan merely smiled and replied that it had already been done. Leon cocked an eyebrow but decided now was not the time.

"Ok, then I'll need to get to my car without D. being noticed."

"Your request is being fulfilled as we speak." With that said Q Chan inclined his head to one side in the direction of the road. Leon's car came into view. Sitting in the drivers seat appeared to be a woman. She parked the vehicle blocking entrance to alley and got out. Leon watched her approach as she came around the nose of the car, first standing on two leather clad legs, then dropping down gracefully on all fours her hips swaying as she came closer. She seemed to be shrinking in on herself rapidly and fur as black as her hair spread across her face. Her strange green eye elongated and a long tail unwound itself from her leg. By the time she reached the two men she had completely reverted back to animal form and rubbed against Leon in passing, purring as she entered the pet shop.

"You must go Detective. I will attend to matters here and will contact you as soon as possible." Leon was nothing if not able to handle himself in crisis situations, He steeled his mind against everything happening and did what he did best. He took action. With decisive steps he carried D. to his car. Leon slid the Count into the passenger seat and laid the seat back, going around to the driver side he scouted the area for possible problems and witnesses. All the commotion was centered at the front of the store and the side road was empty. Seeing no one he got in backed the car several feet down and hooked a right into a short cut he knew that led away from this part of the city. Leon pulled his jacket from the floor board and carefully draped it over his friend. Hopefully, to any outsider it would only appear as though he had a sleeping passenger. Leon turned off his police radio and reached into his breast pocket for his cell phone and punched in Jill's number one handed.


"Leon, oh thank goodness. What is hell is going on? Where are you? Where's the Count? Is he all right? The chief is nearly apoplectic. I swear he's going to have seizure."

"Jill!" Leon yelled into the phone, more to get her attention then anything else and to stop the tirade.

"I need you to tell the chief that D. is with me. I believe one of his relatives is already at the store and will handle everything there. I want you to make sure no one questions the suspects okay? Tell them anything you have to but make damn sure that I talk to them first. I took out two of the attackers but go along with whatever the gentleman at the petshop says. You got that?"

"All right. Leon but you owe me big time. You hear me? And just what am I suppose to give as the reason that D. is with you, may I ask?" Leon snorted into the phone.

"Why, he's in protective custody, of course." Leon could just see Jill rolling her eyes at that one.

"Okay, I'll go save your ass but you owe me more then just dinner big guy." And with that the line went dead as Jill hung up. Good, between Q Chan and Jill he prayed everything would be handled without a hitch. Jill he knew would keep up her end of it and gut instinct told him that so would Q Chan. Leon let his eyes flicker over the still form of the Count, You have a lot to answer for my friend and we most certainly have much to talk about recalling his first encounter with D. Much to talk about indeed.